Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao

(+63) 9176397020

Hours : Mon-Fri 8 to 5pm

Sales and Cashiering

Easy, Intuitive and Fast

  • Setup and learn in a few minutes.
  • Don’t keep the customers waiting by speeding up the queue. Designed for the most demanding operations with extremely high turnover of transactions.
  • Uses native app which means no lag time.

Digital Transformation

  • Go digital and automate tasks and processes.
  • Access all your data anytime for internal accounting or government compliance.
  • Get the full picture from the top view and drill down to each receipt and audit trail.
  • Eliminate inventory shrinkage through proper accounting.
  • Assign role and access control to safeguard your trade secrets.

Data Consolidation

  • Consolidate data from different branches in real-time.
  • Organize data into useful information to help you evolve with an ever-changing marketplace and create new business models quickly.


  • Utilizes both cloud and native technologies for a faster and more natural experience
  • Runs on Windows, Mac Silicon or Intel, and Android
  • Connect POS printers through USB, Print Servers, COM, LPT, and TCP/IP
  • Supports barcode and simultaneous RFID scanning
  • Scans barcode for weighted products
  • Quickly add orders using customer purchase history
  • Supports touchscreen with popup keyboards
  • Supports multiple pricing and discount schemes
  • Manages cashier’s till and sees patterns on how over and short they are
  • Supports various product types like value meals, product lots, and variations
  • Easily toggle between dine-in and take out
  • Accept multiple payment modes
  • Quickly add senior and PWD discounts without splitting the bill
  • Quickly add new leads and track their purchase and tickets
  • Track sales return and make sure they can be voided only once and within the allowable period
  • Assign access and authorization for different functions

Ready to start using

It normally takes a few days to implement and get you all set up. We look forward to having you as our new business partner.