Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao

(+63) 9176397020

Hours : Mon-Fri 8 to 5pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial?
When you sign up for an account, you can create a company with one terminal and use it for 7 days free of charge.

Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, if you feel that the software is not suited or are not happy with our service, you can contact us and we will refund you the remaining credits.

Will you help with BIR accreditation?
Yes, we will provide you with a set of checklists, including some documentation relating to the system, and help you with the accreditation in your regional/district office. You can find more information about POS BIR accreditation here:

Will you provide training?
Yes. We will provide a one-time training to use the cashier and the head office. After that, you can use our video tutorials for a refresher course.

Do you have 24/7 support?
Our support is from Monday to Saturday during office hours only (9 to 5 pm). Weekends and after-office hours support are scheduled beforehand.

Where do you sell your system?
We provide direct support to Metro Manila and Cebu City and its surrounding areas only. Provincial and other areas are supported remotely. On-site support is subject to negotiation and all fees incurred are at the expense of the client.

Are there bugs in the system?
There might be some bugs outside the normal usage that we might miss. The software is ever-evolving and being upgraded continuously, and we are committed to solving all reported bugs. Updates will be pushed automatically to each terminal and server.

Can I buy the software outright?
Right now, we have removed this option. Like many software, the POS is ever-evolving as we deliver new features and improvements. We also need to maintain your system as your data gets bigger and your requirements get more complicated. The subscription model makes it possible for us to provide the highest service level to you.

Can I choose my own hosting?
Yes, you may opt to use your own hosting service when you reach 20 terminals and we will help you maintain the system. Below the said terminals, we will charge a minimal management fee.

Can I combine the number of terminals from different companies to reach 20 terminals?
Yes, as long as we are dealing with one point of contact.

Is there downtime?
By experience, the downtime is very minimal but it might still happen. When it does, we will advise our clients immediately and follow up with our service provider to make sure that it will be restored as soon as possible. You can still use the terminal to carry out normal transactions during this time.

What is the limit of my database size?
The limit is dictated by our server’s storage space which is currently at 2TB including the OS. The database can use as much as 98% of that space. We can always customize the server (up to 50TB) or find another hosting site that can scale to your requirement. Please note that the extra server expenses will be covered by the client.

Can I use the system inside the mall?
Yes. Currently, we support 46 mall specifications. Depending on the new requirements, we can support new ones with a lead time of around 10 working days.

Will other users slow down the performance of my subscription?
It might happen. But we are constantly monitoring the usage and have imposed certain restrictions on heavy queries. At the same time, when the number of subscribers reaches a certain threshold, we will commission a new server to maintain the overall balance.

Is there a chance of hacking?
It might happen. However, we are committed to strengthening our defense as well. On the network and infrastructure level, we have put in place appropriate technologies to mitigate distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and are constantly hardening the OS for vulnerabilities. Our service provider also helps us guard against various cyberattacks and malware. We have put up firewalls and blocked access to all malicious origins. At the application level, we use encrypted sessions to communicate with the server to guard against SQL injections, CSRF, and the like. Finally, we also included as part of our training to inform our clients how to safeguard their credentials and physical terminals.

Ready to start using

It normally takes a few days to implement and get you all set up. We look forward to having you as our new business partner.