Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao

(+63) 9176397020

Hours : Mon-Fri 8 to 5pm

Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

CodeLikeUs, Inc. and it’s POS brand under “” fully respect our customers’ rights to privacy, and we commit to taking great care in safeguarding your personal data. This privacy statement aims to ensure that we adopt and observe appropriate standards for personal data protection in compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

What data do we track

We track the following data:
– Names, ID, and password to use the functionalities of the system such as login, ledger tracking and the like.
– password and security answers are encrypted.

Optionally, you can use the system to store the following.
– Personal information such as birthday, address, emails, and phones to track your customers
– gender, and nationality for analysis

* We do not store any personal payment information such as credit cards in the system.

Why do we collect your data

We collect data for account management functionalities like login, tracking of account ledger, issues/problems, and maintenance/troubleshooting purposes only.

Who do we share your data with

We will never share, rent, or sell your personal data to third parties. Your data will be used solely for account management and maintenance purposes only.

How long we retain your data

Your data is stored on our server for the duration of your subscription. We delete everything after you terminate your service.

Who has access to your data

Only authorized iCebu Net Holding, Inc. employees who have production access can access your data.


Login screen options cookies last for a year if you select “Remember Me”. If you clear the browser, the login cookies will be removed.

How we protect your personal data

The integrity, confidentiality, and security of your information are important to us, that is why we strictly enforce our privacy statement within our organization and have implemented the following physical security measures that are designed to protect your information from unauthorized or fraudulent access, alteration, disclosure, misuse, and other unlawful activities.

  • We keep and protect your information using a secured server behind a firewall;
  • We restrict access to your information only to qualified and authorized personnel who are trained to handle your information with strict confidentiality;
  • We let you update your information securely to keep our records accurate. 

Ready to start using

It normally takes a few days to implement and get you all set up. We look forward to having you as our new business partner.