Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao

(+63) 9176397020

Hours : Mon-Fri 8 to 5pm

Data Privacy

Total Ownership and Privacy

You have total ownership of your data and can be assured of its complete privacy.


No Sharing
You own all the rights to the data generated by your company and can be assured of its complete privacy. We will never share it with other entities for any purposes like data mining.

When you terminate your subscription with us, we will export your data in CSV format so you can use it in your new system. Your data will also be removed from our server so we will have no further access to it.

Added Privacy

Large Accounts
When your subscription reaches 20 terminals, we will create a private hosting account for you with the following benefits.

✓ Private Space
We will move your data into its own virtual account. Your data will be totally segregated from other companies making it more private and secure.

Enterprise Large Account
This applies to subscriptions of 50 terminals or up. You will enjoy all the benefits of a large account plus the following.

✓ Dedicated Server
You will get your own dedicated server. All resources will be dedicated for your own use with unlimited bandwidth and up to 2TB of storage space.

✓ Complete Autonomy
Only you have access to the server and all its resources. You will not be sharing any file system with other companies.

Ready to start using

It normally takes a few days to implement and get you all set up. We look forward to having you as our new business partner.