Metro Manila, Metro Cebu and Metro Davao

(+63) 9176397020

Hours : Mon-Fri 8 to 5pm

Head Office

Central and Real-Time

  • Perform routine and critical operations in one central app using any browser from any device.
  • Data are consolidated from all terminals in different branches in real-time.
  • Sales and inventory are reflected as soon as the cashier transacts them.
  • Offline mode ensures that data are safely stored until they can be synchronized with the server.

Data-Driven Decision Management

  • An interactive dashboard will quickly show you many important key performance indexes (KPIs) affecting your operation where you can drill down to examine the details.
  • Automatically push notifications to remind you of all pending managerial tasks needed to ensure smoother business operations.
  • Provides you with useful analytical reports to support you in managing your business and adapting to the ever-changing marketplace.

Secure and Fast

  • Employs user-role-based access to restrict users from accessing your sensitive data.
  • Strictly controls the login session to make sure that only one person has access to his credential at any time.
  • Data are encrypted for security and compressed during transfer to speed up the experience even with a bad internet connection.


  • Learn to use the system in a day with a user-friendly, consistent interface employed throughout the system.
  • Data are automatically trimmed and archived to make it fast but still allow you to drill down to the source document even after years in operation.
  • Audit trail helps you to trace the actions taken by the user to affect the data.
  • Uses workflow process with authorization to manage transactions.
  • Runs on a hosting site that guarantees 99.9% uptime.
  • All data are backed up daily and transferred to another site weekly for redundancy.
  • Uses the latest technology ensuring compatibility and that your investment will last for many years.

Ready to start using

It normally takes a few days to implement and get you all set up. We look forward to having you as our new business partner.